Version 6 brings with it a new Task (or activity) management system as well as a completely reworked minutes module.
New or enhanced in BoardCloud version 6.0
Signature Vault
Documents tagged for signature can now be viewed or searched from either:
Committee Enhancements
Custom Member Profile Properties
Minute Maker
Tasks System Improved
Voting Enhancement
Added the ability to record motion (vote) proposer, called Motioned By. Also has a Seconded By member option. Voting works even when montioned or seconded by fields are left blank.
Custom Member Profile Properties
We have added a custom field capability to the Member Profile.
Any number of custom properties can be added to members profiles. Each custom property has a label (name) and a value to store.
Supported custom data types include:
At this stage new field definitions need to be added by our technical team.
Email Fixes
We completely upgraded the mail sending libraries to most current SMTP versions. Many changes were made to ensure that mail sending operations are a reliable and smooth as possible.
Dashboard View Calendar Reworked
Recently we adjusted the landing page (Dashboard) page of BoardCloud to be less cluttered with a simpler look. The new calendar widget called My Meeting Planner was clunky and somewhat perplexing to use, so we rewired it to make it easier to browse past and future meetings.
Minutes Editor now always available (it used to be unavailable until a meeting opened).
Major changes to the pack builder
Pack agenda improvements
Redesign of committees
Admin area improvements:
Member directory upgrade still in progress - show more detailed member info
Minutes Builder Enhancements
Multi-Factor Identification Option Added
Email based MFA is now available for any member.
Member Profile Resource Documents Functionality
Added the ability to store documents (such as ID's and certificates, diplomas against a member's profile. Documents are visible to Administrator's and the individual member only.
Board Pack Building Improvements
Meeting Enhancements (Stats and refresh capabilities)
Improved refresh of updating elements throughout the entire meeting UI.
Multiple Small Adjustments or Tweaks
Over 50 small tweaks to various parts of the system.
Agenda Restricted Document Access
Forms and Surveys
PDF pack
Meeting Notify
Tabbed Interfaces UI
User Profile
Improvements Log:
A post major version 5 minor upgrade was posted at the end of march 2024.
The major feature Creating a series of Repeating Meetings was finalised.
The following issues were addressed:
Meeting Page Tabbed Interface Part 2 Completed
The simplification of the Meeting page interface is now almost complete. This has resulted in a much cleaner UI, with two panes:
(Note the final part of this UI change will be to move all action items into a Actions tab)
Forms Library
The Forms Library was completed, allowing for the creation of forms outside a meeting. This feature also allows users to view and complete any forms assigned to them from and point in the system.
Meeting Interface Improvements
Improved and simplified the meeting dash (Details) pane.
Publishing Meetings
Previously the publish action performed two tasks. First, the meeting was published, making it visible to members. Second, a notification email was sent to all meeting attendees. These tasks have now been split so that notifications can be sent separately and to selected members instead of the entire committee.
A separate Publish button to publish a meeting (or minutes) is provided.
Voting System:
Improved the look & feel and functionality of the voting system. Most notably the meeting admin can now record votes for members who are not in the meeting.
Pack Review Process:
Sending a pack for review has been simplified. Now any member(s) can be selected from the Notify dialog to receive a pack for review. The review process itself has been streamlined to make it easier for reviewers.
Pack Permalinks
Links to packs and meetings are sent as part of the notification email. These links are crafted to always lead to the latest published pack, no matter how many versions have been published.
Revisions Removed:
There is no longer a revisions pane at the bottom of the meeting. Revisions are only displayed for published meetings and a history of revisions is available in the Cogs menu.